Zoey's Lagotto Romagnolo

Lagotto Romagnolo
Why we fell in love with the Lagotto Romagnolo:
Hypoallergenic (We searched long and far to find a dog that could live with our highly-sensitive-to-allergen family)
Perfect Size (They grow to be 30-35 pounds. Big enough to take on hikes and adventures but small enough to cuddle with live in the house).
Very smart (They are easy to train. They are commmonly used as truffle hunting dogs in the NW and in Europe).
​Loyal and loving to their people.
Adorable! (People constantly stop us on the street to find out what kind of dog we have)
Entertaining personalities (It's almost like they want to be human).
Mesmerizing eyes (you have to see them to understand)
Versitle (Our dog goes backpacking, kayaking, swimming, hiking, camping, and is just as happy to snuggle and relax at home)
Puppies Due: May 5 2021
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